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    A young boy becomes a dog from time to time.Long running Children's TV series telling the stories and adventures of a young schoolboy who gains the power of transforming himself into a dog. Only his best friend knows this and helps him protect the secret from the boy's parents, the school headmaster Mr. Blocker and also from their friend and their school-teacher Miss Jessop. Over the years, the cast changes (due to the young children growing up.) so that we see three different set of adventures for three school-children (with always a boy the one who turns into a dog.) with three different breeds of dog - all with Miss Jessop linking them... Written by Lee Horton {[email protected]}


    • 更新至03集得州巡警第四季贾德·帕达里克
    • 更新8大巴上的女孩梅莉莎·班诺伊,克里斯蒂娜·埃尔莫尔,娜塔莎·贝赫纳姆,莱斯利·弗莱,罗丝·杰克逊·史密斯,海缇安·朴,斯科特·科恩,亚当·卡普兰,Kiva,Jump,Max,Darwin,佩里·斯特朗,Awni,Abdi-Bahri,Ramin,Doostdar,安德鲁·波尔克,Jason,M.,Jones,斯科特·弗利,马克·康苏斯,吉尔·艾肯伯里,Maggie,Parto,马特·韦斯
    • 完结天才第四季内详
    • 完结妹子再组合第二季莎拉·巴莱勒斯,贝茜·菲利普斯,保拉·佩尔,芮妮·戈兹贝里,Daniel,Breaker,乔纳森·哈达里,蒂姆·麦道斯,海蒂·加德纳,Erika,Henningsen,Grey,Henson,詹姆斯·门罗·伊格尔哈特,Joey,Sasso,霍达·科特,Pat,Battle,Julius,Conceicao,巴顿·考珀斯维特
    • 更新至02集星期五晚餐(美版)第一季麦可拉·沃金丝,丹·巴克达尔
    • 更新8死亡男孩侦探社乔治·列克斯图,杰登·雷瓦里,卡西厄斯·纳尔逊,悠悠·北村,简.里昂,布里安娜·库柯,鲁斯·康内尔,卢卡斯·盖奇,大卫·伊亚科诺,Caitlin,Reilly,麦克斯·詹金斯,林赛·高特,Lauren,K.,Robek,罗谢尔·奥科耶,Gabriel,Drake,莎伦·泰勒,米兰达·爱德华兹,迈克尔·比奇,阿利克斯·韦斯特·莱弗勒,乔舒亚·科利,Chris,Pereira

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